Semi Higher Education

Semi Higher Education

The associate degree program is for high school graduates. It is focused on helping them gain proficiency in the English language.
Students study and master listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, linguistics, conversation and translation. In addition, they learn other subjects such as management, computer, Islamic studies, patriotism, psychology, research, Dari and Pashto through hands-on activities involving speaking and listening, reading and writing, viewing, representing and working with peers.

Last Update 20/04/2023
Members 6
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Course Duration 

The overall duration of the course is two years which is divided into four semesters,  each lasting for four and a half months.

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 Our rigorous syllabus is focused on all the key areas of English proficiency with the application of communicative and direct methods. Students learn about language and literature through a wide range of printed materials, spoken, visual, media and multimedia and digital study materials in a conducive environment.
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Course Eligibility

Students who have passed their high school and pass the entry exam conducted by MELI are eligible for the mentioned course of study. 

Course Outcomes

Students who graduate from the two-year degree program are proficient in English and have complete command of the four essential skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and complementary skills (grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, among others).

Odoo • A picture with a caption
 Semi Higher Education.