This Privacy Policy explains how the personal information of users of the Our MELI mobile application ("Our MELI" or the "App"), this Mobile App (the "Site"), and other services provided by the Company (the App, the Site, and such services shall collectively be referred to as the "Service") is collected, used, and shared by Our MELI. In addition, its associated businesses. This Policy applies to all of our other mobile applications and websites, regardless of whether or not they display this Policy. Websites that publish contradictory assertions are exempt from this Policy's requirements.


  • There are numerous ways in which we obtain information about you.
    The Details You Share With Us: We seek data you provide directly, including your name, email address, phone number, password, and login credentials. In addition, we collect demographic information from you.

  • Information That Is Compiled Together: The data we collect on a group or category of characteristics, services, or individuals are called "compiled information." Individual identities have been erased from this data before it is used. For example, Details about how you use a feature may be gathered and merged with data about how others use the same function without any personally identifiable information being included in the resulting statistics.

  • Details We Obtained from Others: We may acquire information about you from third-party sources. This may be added to the data we obtain through the Service. Some of these third-party services may also provide us with information from your accounts to enhance and personalize your usage of the Service; you may alter your privacy settings directly with these other services.

  • Information Obtained Automatically We record data about you and your device automatically. For instance, when you visit Our MELI, we record information about your browser, browser, and language, the pages you viewed, how long you spent on each page, access times, your IP address, and details about how you used and interacted with Our MELI.

  • Cookies: Cookies can be used to capture information, which can then be utilized to improve the quality of our Service. Cookies are small text files that a website saves on your computer's hard drive after visiting. Cookies enable us to better our Service and your experience when visiting our website. Cookies allow us to discover which parts of our Service are most frequently used and keep tabs on the total number of users who visit.

  • Content Open to the Public: You can contribute to the Service by writing reviews, participating in forums, tagging products, filling out your public profile, and providing surveys and feedback. We may store (your "Public Content"), display, and promote your contributions. Public content can be used and seen if you include personally identifying information. We're not responsible for your public content.


The following is a list of how we use your personal information:
To run, manage, and continually enhance our websites, products, and services.

  • To analyze your use of the application to enhance our application,

  • To deliver customized, tailored adverts, content, and data.

  • To track your app and website activity, enhance Our MELI experience, and share with friends.

  • Responding to any inquiries or complaints that customers may have left is essential to customer service.

  • To deliver information, such as notifications, payments, professional notices, updates, security alerts, support, and administrative communications.

  • Protect against fraudulent, unauthorized, or unlawful behavior while investigating and deterring its occurrence.

  • To keep you informed about sales, future events, and other pertinent information regarding the items and services we and our campuses provide. Your permission to use your personal information for the aforementioned objectives and the necessity of such processing so that we can deliver the Service to you serve as legal bases for processing your personal information. If you delete your account, we will delete your personal information as soon as possible; however, if we are required to keep your information to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements, we will keep it for as long as necessary to provide you with the Service and to comply with these obligations.


  1. In exceptional circumstances, we might share your personal information with third parties without first obtaining your consent unless doing so is mandated by an applicable legal mandate.

  2. Businesses that might be able to provide you with various programs in the English language. You can opt-out of this sharing by contacting us through any of the channels detailed in the "Contact Information" section below.

  3. If you permit such sharing through our services, it is possible to do so with some social networking platforms.

  4. They have obtained your permission. You might, for instance, agree to allow us to share personal information with third parties so that those parties can use it for marketing purposes. These uses will be subject to the privacy policies those third parties have.

  5. With those that provide services to Our MELI, such as sending Our MELI email messages, analyzing usage logs and Audio Files to develop our intelligent pronunciation coach, and administering Our MELI marketing campaign efforts, among other things. With educational institutions and other third parties for research purposes.

  6. To assist deliver the Service at no cost to you, we may sell or license to third parties Voice Recordings stripped of information that could directly identify you for legal, protection, and safety purposes:

  7. For legal, safety, and protective purposes:
    • To abide by the law.
    • To comply with legal requirements and processes.
    • To safeguard the property and rights of Our MELI Corporation, its agents, customers, and others. This includes enforcing our contracts, policies, and terms of Service.

  8. In times of emergency. This includes ensuring the safety of our employees, agents, customers, and other individuals. If we are successful in our efforts to negotiate a transaction involving the sale or transfer of all or a portion of our Company or assets, this provision will apply. Any transaction or proceeding involving a merger, financing, acquisition, or bankruptcy might be considered a part of these transactions. We reserve the right to give it, or sections of it, to third parties for publishing on their websites and other media platforms if you upload anything marked as Public on the Site or the App. As a result, the content will be considered public. We make it simple for you to use third-party services.


We will preserve your information for as long as your account is active or needed to comply with our legal requirements, settle disputes, and enforce our agreements.


Regarding the handling of your personal information, you are entitled to the following rights and have the corresponding choices accessible to you:

  • By visiting your profile, you can see your data, and for access to rectify or delete your data, you may request the Counselor.

  • You may request that we restrict our use of your personal information or object to our use of your personal information by contacting our Customer Service or the Counselor; however, if you do so, you will no longer be able to have an account with Our MELI.

  • By visiting to view my profile, you can request that (a) we send you your personal information in a structured, frequently used, and machine-readable format and (b) we communicate your personal information to a third party. This concept is known as "Data Portability."

  • You can revoke your consent by deactivating your account with us; however, you may be required to physically visit the respective campus and make a formal request to close the account.

  • It is not necessary for you to submit any personal information; however, if you do not give us your email address, we will be unable to communicate with you or send you any updates.

  • Our marketing emails have instructions for "opting out." We may still send you non-marketing communications if you opt out. Included in non-marketing emails is correspondence regarding your accounts and our commercial transactions with you.

  • If you want to change the personal information we have on file for you, please get in touch with the Counselor and provide them with your most recent and up-to-date contact information.

  • Generally, you can remove and reject cookies from our Service through your browser settings. Many browsers are initially configured to allow cookies unless you modify the settings. If you remove or reject our cookies, it may impact the functionality of our Service.


If you are under 18, you are not allowed to apply online through the website or our mobile app. Instead, you will need to go to the campus closest to you with your parents or a guardian to take advantage of our services. We do not collect personally identifiable information directly from minors, nor do we use or disclose personally identifiable information about minors, regardless of how it was provided to us, except for the circumstances described in this Privacy Statement to a parent, legal guardian, eligible student, or administrator at a school, district, or other public education entity. If you are younger than 18, you can't use our services without permission from a parent or legal guardian first.


We take measures to safeguard personal information. However, no organization can entirely prevent security risks. Mistakes may happen. Malicious acts can circumvent even the most effective safeguards.


If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, or if you would like to exercise any of your rights and choices under this Privacy Policy or applicable law, you may contact our Professional at the following email address: privacy@ourmeli.com If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, or if you would like to exercise any of your rights and choices under this Privacy Policy or applicable


We may periodically update this Privacy Policy. When we do, we'll update the Privacy Policy's "updated date" as well. If we make any modifications to this Privacy Policy that may lessen the restrictions on how we use or disclose the personal information you have given us, we won't apply the new Policy to data we already had unless you permit us to do so. For up-to-date information on how we enforce the privacy of the personal data we collect, we invite you to consult this Privacy Policy regularly. Your continuing use of the Service signifies your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and any amendments in the future.

Main Campus
Kabul 1004 1004